Turma AC202 - Tópicos Especiais em Atuação - Turma A


Tópicos Especiais em Atuação


From Modern to Contemporary Dance: Pratical Concepts in forming Contemporary theory.

Cód. Disciplina - Turma

AC202 - A

Sala na Sala AD01 - Depto. de Artes Corporais
Acompanhamento com disciplina da Graduação? Não
Oferecimento DAC Segunda-feira das 09 às 12

Dados da disciplina

Nome AC202 - Tópicos Especiais em Atuação
Programa Artes da Cena
Nível Pós-graduação
Crédito 3
Total de Horas Atividades Teóricas 15
Total de Horas Atividades Prática 15
Total de Horas Laboratório 0
Total de Horas Atividades Orientadas 0
Total de Horas Atividades à Distância 0
Total de Horas Atividades Orientadas de Extensão 0
Total de Horas Atividades Práticas de Extensão 0
Total de Horas/Aula Semanais 0
Total e Horas/Aula Realizadas em Sala de Aula 0
Hora Estudo 0
Hora Seminário 15
Oferecimento IA
FÉRIAS DE VERÃO - dias 30 e 31/01 e de 01 à 03/02 - das 9h às 12h e das 13h às 17h. Dia 04/02 (sábado) das 9h às 12h e das 13h as 17h. Dia 06/02 das 10h às 13h.


Holly Elizabeth Cavrell

Critério de Avaliação

Presence in all classes. Final paper, 10 pages on a theme to be discussed on the first day of class.


Bibliografia ABRIGHT, A.C. Modern Gestures: Abraham Wlkowitz draws Isadora Duncan Dancing. Middletown, Wesleyan University Press, 2010. ALBRIGHT, A.N. Traces of Light: absence and presence in the work of Loie Fuller. Middletown, Wesleyan University Press,2007. ANDERSON, J. Ballet and Modern Dance: a concise history. 2 Ed. Highstown: Princeton Book Company, 1992. BANES,S. (ed.) Reinventing Dance in the 1960s, everything was possible. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2003. BANES, S. Democracy’s Body: Judson Dance theater, 1962-1964. Durham: Duke University Press, 1993. BURT, R. Judson Dance theater: performative Arts. New York, Routledge, 2006. COHEN, S.J. The Modern Dance, seven statements of belief. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 1967. COPELAND,R. Merce Cunningham: the modernizing of Modern Dance. New York: Routledge, 2004. GERE,D. How to Make Dances in an Epidemic: tracking choreography in the age of Aids. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2004. GOLDBERG,R. Performance Art. Revised and Expanded Edition. London: Thames and Hudson, 2005. HUMPHREY, D.; COHEN, S.J. Doris Humphrey: An artist first. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 1972. JOWITT, D. Time and the Dancing Image. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988. MARTIN,J. The Modern Dance. New York: Dance Horizons, 1972. MARTIN,R. Critical Moves: dance studies in theory and politics. Durham: Duke University Press, 1998. MORRIS,G. A game for Dancers: performing modernism in the post war years, 1945-1960. Middletown, Wesleyan University Press, 2006. SCHECHNER, R. Performance Studies: an introduction. 2 Ed. London: Routledge, 2007. WOOD,C. Yvonne Rainer, The Mind is a Muscle. London: Afterall, 2007.


The nature of the dance includes its state of impermanence, but what do the bodies convéy as marks of their past. How do we gauge the transformation of the body in dance, evidence of training techniques, experimentation and artistic experiences, all intertwined within the context and thinking of an era? How are pratices in dance and dance theories organized and how do they allow us to identify characteristics of each generation? The principle purpose of this course is to survey and examine the ways in which the dancer's body hás developed and changed, beginning in the 1930s, a period considered the second generation of modern dance, up to the present day theories and concepts in contemporary dance. Drawing on studies in dance history and dance theory as well as pratical experience in various dance techniques the course will present a comparative study, examining codes and characteristics of specific artists and their relationship with their bodies, vocabularies and dance languages, strategies and philosophies in relation to their works, how they express their ideas, questions of identity and temporal ontology. This intensive course will be given in two parts. The morning will focus on dance techniques and training procedures and the afternoon on dance studies and selected reading material, with the purpose of developing a critical and investigative outlook on formative pratices and their artistic reverberations. The course and reading material will be entirely in English.


Pratical and Theoretical. All classes conducted in English.
