A Ilha


Willian Shakespeare
The Tempest A Tempestade

Cena: o mar, com um barco e adiante uma ilha. Galeria de Arte Unicamp, Wimbledon College of Arts.
Alonso, Sebastian, Próspero, Antonio, Ferdinand, Gonzalo, Adrian, Francisco, Caliban, Trínculo, Stephano, Miranda, Ariel, Íris, Ceres, Juno, Ninfas, Ceifeiros Marinheiros e outros espíritos.
Adriana Siqueira, Ana Paula Andrade, Angela Barbour, Bárbara Chambon, Bárbara Ciapina, Beth Schneider, Bianca Moschetti, Claudio Garcia, Diego Alexandre de Souza, Eliane Mello, Elias de Andrade, Elvis da Silva, Emanuel Monteiro, Fernanda Casari, Fernanda Guelere, Fernanda Lazzarini, Márcio Andrey Santarosa, Márcio Diegues, Marcio Périgo, MaryCarmen Bosque Martinez, Marli Gonçalves, Mariangela Guelta, Natália Brescancíni, Lygia Arcuri Eluf, Patrick Katsuta, Patrícia Cavalcanti, Regis Closel, Rodrigo Faria, Rosane Araújo, Silvia Matos, Sonia Ronca, Talita Xavier, Vanessa Komatsu, Wagner de Santana Silva, Walkiria Pompermayer Morini e Wladimir Vaz.

Acidentes de barco podem determinar a vida dos personagens dessa história e nossa tempestade simboliza uma vitória. O tempo, o espaço, a ação, repletos de simetrias, são uma espécie de testamento dramático, onde estabelecemos os limites entre a vida, a arte e o poder da imaginação.

O Projeto Mala iniciou-se com uma parceria entre a Galeria de Arte Unicamp e a University of the Arts London Wimbledon College of Art. No início o projeto previa o envio de nossas obras – artistas, alunos e professores do Instituto de Artes – para Londres e a recepção de obras realizadas por alunos de lá. Nossa ideia era enviar malas – reunir nesse espaço contido nossos trabalhos e instruções para montá-los no espaço inglês. Depois de conversar sobre isso decidimos, juntamente com os alunos ingleses, que trabalharíamos sobre um texto sugerido por eles e eles fariam o mesmo. Escolhemos o texto de Shakespeare, A Tempestade e enviamos músicas de Hermeto Pascoal. Fizemos algumas reuniões onde cada participante apresentou brevemente seu projeto, discutimos as questões comuns e principalmente as questões relacionadas ao texto de Shakespeare, que serviu como fio condutor de todos os trabalhos que estão sendo realizados. Surgiu então o projeto A Ilha, um desenvolvimento do anterior.
Com data de realização marcada entre 22 de julho e 02 de agosto de 2013, uma exposição estruturada em quatro eixos, que correspondem aos pontos cardeais e aos quatro elementos acontecerá simultaneamente nos dois espaços: o brasileiro e o londrino. Serão realizadas e apresentadas performances, vídeos, instalações, desenhos, fotografias, gravuras e pinturas. O trabalho de montagem e instalação das obras será realizado em sistema de vídeo-conferência onde os dois grupos acompanharão simultaneamente a montagem e as conversas.
A exposição ficará instalada, até dia 02 de agosto, na Galeria de Arte Unicamp e as obras do grupo londrino no Wimbledon Space of Art.
Após o encerramento, está prevista a realização de um livro-catálogo com o processo e as obras de todos os participantes.

Lygia Eluf


The project is an international collaboration between students and artists (practitioners) from WCA/ UAL ((Wimbledon College of Arts/ University of Arts London, England) and UNICAMP (University of Campinas, Brazil)from the world of art and performance (Theatre), that will result in an international exhibition.
The collaboration will take place from july 8th till august 1st 2013 (to be confirmed) and aims to explore and challenge the boundaries between performance, design and fine art.

Participating groups:
UNICAMP: Grupo Mala (Luggage group) compost of graduated and graduating art students from UNICAMP and University of Londrina, coordinated by Lygia Arcuri Eluf (drawing and printing media’s teacher)

WCA: Compost of graduated theatre/ fine arts students from WCA, coordinated by Simon Betts (Associate Dean) and Abigail Hammond (Pathway Leader in Costume Design at WCA)

Briefs/ Inspiration

UNICAMP students will be using the work of William Shakespeare’s The Tempest as their brief/ inspiration for creating their work of art (chosen by WCA’s students)

WCA students will be using the work of Hermeto Pascoal’s Musica da Lagoa/ The lake’s music as their brief/ inspiration for creating their work of art (chosen by the Grupo Mala’s students)


o Collaborate through exchange of ideas and experiences between the groups
o Investigate how artists/ students receive and interpret the work of an artist from a different culture, using it to produce his own art work
o How art students from UNICAMP receive and reflect to a brief sent from art students from WCA/UAL producing his own interpretation of the brief in his art work and vice versa
o To use a brief sent by the other group as a starting point, reflecting and producing his own interpretation of the brief through an work of art
o To think and develop a communication between the physical/ real art x digital/ virtual art, experiencing how technology could decreases the real distance between 2 different countries, developing a work in translation.


This project is about designing/ creating a work of art in any media (painting, drawing, installation, music, costume, set, etc.) using the brief sent from the other University as a starting point.
Also each one of the students will need to think/ create a digital/ virtual work of art based on their physical work of art and how these works should be showed at the other Universities gallery.


1- You could create/ produce some paintings for the exposition here in WCA sending the same images, digitally, to Unicamp, so they can expose your digital work in there through a TV Screen or printing the images and placing them on the wall
2- You could create/ produce some paintings for the exposition here in WCA and different ones to send digitally to Unicamp, so when exposed there could create a communication between your images here and there (physical x digital)
3- You could produce an installation for the exposition in WCA and a video to be shown at Unicamp, showing your process of creation or a video that complements your work in here

Method of working and schedule: WCA


Research about Hermeto Pascoal’s biography an discography, what does inspire him when creating a music.
Research about Hermeto Pascoal’s Musica da Lagoa (The lake’s music).
Using his music as a starting point, inspiration (maybe as a metaphor?) create your work of Art/ design
Think in how you could present your work digitally and send it to UNICAMP
It’s important/ nice if each of the students could use the facebook page to exchange your ideas with the brazilian group, asking questions, posting images, creating a network.

08/07/2013: 1st week. Research and material sourcing

We need to Know as soon as possible which kind of media equipments we need to be used in the exposition (WCA and Wimbledon) so we can check if it’s going to have any limitation.
Also how we could promote/ publicize the exposition

15/07/2013: 2nd week. Development and making.

The creation of work in all varieties will begin.
By the end of this week we need to start preparing the gallery space for the exposition (curating)
The Digital work needs to be sent to Unicamp/ WCA by 18/07/2013.

22/07/2013: 3rd week: Exposition of the work created in the galleries in both WCA and UNICAMP

The exposition will opens at 11am ( 3pm in Brazil/ to be confirmed) with a video conference between UNICAMP and WCA galleries of art
The idea is to have a web cam open in both galleries through the period of the exposition

01/08/2013: Exposition ends

After the get out we need to have a debrief session with personal feedbacks about the project

Project outcomes

Book: The Unicamp group is planning to make a book with all the participants in this project. We will need to have a text sent to them, a short biography of each one of the participants, pictures taken during the exposition, etc.
The printed books will cost about R$ 50.00 each ( £ 15.00). You will not be obliged to buy/ order any books, but it’s quite good for your CV.


Ficha Técnica

Direção: Prof. Dr. Esdras Rodrigues Silva

Montagens de exposição: ANA PAULA DE ANDRADE

Alunos Bolsistas SAE/UNICAMP:

Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, s/no.
Prédio da Biblioteca Central – Térreo
CEP 13083 970 – Campinas/SP
De segunda a sexta, das 09h00 às 17h00.
Fones (019) 3521 7453 ou (019) 3521 6561


Lista Final de Participantes:

Projeto de Intercâmbio: UNICAMP x UEL x WIMBLEDON COLLEGE OF ARTS/ University of Arts London

International collaboration between students and artists

Coordenadora: Profa. Dra. Lygia Arcuri Eluf
Responsável pela equipe da Wimbledon College of Arts/ University of Arts London, England : Prof.Ms. Márcio Andrey Santarosa
Responsável pela equipe da Universidade Estadual de Londrina/PR- UEL: Prof. Dr. Claudio Luiz Garcia

Participantes da Mostra:

Ana Paula de Andrade
Angela Barbour
Bárbara Vignolo Chambon
Beth Schneider
Bianca Moschetti
Diego Alexandre de Souza
Elvis Silva
Fernanda Casari
Fernanda Lazzarini
Lygia Eluf
Márcio Andrey Santarosa
Márcio Perigo
Marlí Gonçalves
Maria Del Carmem Bosque Martinez
Mariangela Guelta
Natália Brescancíni
Patrick Hiroshi Katsuta
Regis Closel
Silvia Matos
Walkiria Pompermayer Morini
Wladimir Vaz

Adriana Siqueira
Barbara W. Ciapina
Cláudio Garcia
Eliane C. de Mello
Elias de Andrade
Emanuel Monteiro
Fernanda Guelere
Márcio Diegues
Patrícia M. Cavalcante
Regina Reis
Rosane F. Araujo
Sônia Maria S. Ronca
Talita Xavier
Vanessa Y. Komatsu